Our office realizes the value that dental implants present for patients. As such we are proud to use a cost-leadership strategy and excellent supply chain management to be able to provide you with the affordable dental implant solutions.
Our fees start at $999 for the placement on a single dental implant and range to $30000 for the provision of full mouth implants. Detailed fees are listed below.
1) Single Dental Implant + Crown - $1499+$1501
2) Single Dental Implant + Sinus Lift/Bump/Bone Graft + Crown - $3500
3) Two Dental Implants + Two Locators for your Denture - $3000
4) Four Dental Implants + Four Locators for your Denture - $6000
5) Five Dental Implants + Fixed Porcelain Upper Bridge - $25000-$30000
6) Ten Dental Implants + Fixed Upper and Lower Bridge - $50000-$60000
Call our office today and find out if dental implants are a solution for you.